Friday, February 17, 2012

Angry Birds, Part I

You want an Angry Birds themed birthday party?  No problem... here we have PART I of who knows how many.  Hopefully I can get all the favorite characters done before it's party time!  I have a month or so... I can get it done, right?!  I started with the red dude and I'm quite pleased with how he turned out! 

I'm not even sure what all I'm going to be using them for... definitely the invites and some decor.  I'd like to make some gift bags for the kids to take home with goodies in them. 

I will say, piecing together random images from the few cartridges I have to create my own version of something was a bit harder than I thought it would be!  I ran into problems welding and learned the hard way that you have to make sure all pieces are welded, welding "A" to "B" won't work if you only have "A" set to weld.  If "B" is set to don't weld...  you gotta have both of them set!  It won't work no matter how many times you cuss at it.  Who knows how many pieces of paper I wasted, Cricut Craft Room forums I read and how many "how-to" YouTube videos I went through.  Let's not even get into CONTOURS.  Whew.  My mother always said I like to learn things the hard way.  :)

Here's my attempt to share the file as requested... not sure if I did it correctly, please let me know if I did or didn't :)
Red Angry Bird for gypsy
Red Angry Bird layed out


  1. Are these the only two carts you used? Thats fantastic! Looks realistic. Can't wait to see the others!!

    1. Yep! And the craft room basics... I'm not even sure what images I used to make what! This one is definately a mis-mash of randomness but I'm happy with how it turned out. :)

  2. Do you have a gyspy file for this that we can use so we don't have to do it the hard way?

  3. Hopefully the links for the files I added to the post work!
