Monday, April 23, 2012

Chalk Board Vinyl Labels

I love chalk boards.  I love chalkboard vinyl even more.  I found this treasure through Sheila Gebhardt at Uppercase Living.  I had purchased some boring squares of it (a little larger than 12x12) some time ago and had it stashed away for a project. 

I've recently been scouring crafty blogs left and right for organization inspiration... and inspiration is what I found.  Lucky me to have everything on hand to make some labels for some of the glass canning jars I had sitting in the "I'm empty now" cupboard. 

These were SO simple to make, the square vinyl labels for the jar sides were just cut with my paper trimmer.  My boys have a stash of art supplies for their projects so I emptied one of their plastic containers and filled the jars, putting similar things together.  We have about four more containers to empty so hopefully I have enough empty jars in my cupboard to accommodate!  :)  The best part is that the labels are removable and ERASABLE! 

My second method incorporated the lids... I have a drawer in my desk that is literally a catch all for every random thing I don't know what else to do with.  So I trimmed the page down to fit on my cricut mat and voila... cut out some circles to fit the tops!  Easy, easy, EASY!  The only hard part was separating the vinyl from the sticker back.  I had to break out the exacto knife since I recently chopped my nails off.  I really wish this wasn't such a plain picture - I get so excited to take a picture of what I've created that I don't take the time to "stage".  Ants in my pants?  Yes...

These are my favorite half pint sized jars - tiny and perfect for holding paper clips, a couple sets of ear phones, binder clips, thumb tacks, coins, buttons... the small things that seem to float around in my desk drawer.  I have one in my kitchen for holding toothpicks and another one that keeps all my cake decorating frosting tips.  I think I'm going to dress some up and put them in my bathroom for catching jewelery and hair bands too! 

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